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209 Commerce Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

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To donate via PayPal send to [email protected]
To donate via Zelle send to [email protected].

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ACOR is a nonprofit organization registered with the government of Jordan and recognized as a tax exempt public charity 501(c)(3) organization by the United States Internal Revenue Service (EIN 23-7084091). It is supported by governmental grants, contributions from foundations, corporations, and individuals, as well as by ACOR endowments. 

Privacy Policy
The American Center of Research (ACOR) receives, collects, and stores any information that you enter on our website or that we receive through browser cookies. All the data collected is used by ACOR to process your payment or to provide information to you, including newsletters, blogs, grant and fellowship announcements, and event notifications. The information is also used to determine who is accessing our website, the duration of any visit and which pages are viewed in order to assess and improve user experience. Personal information provided to ACOR will never be sold or disclosed for commercial purposes. You can update and correct your data by contacting ACOR. If you want to see the information we have collected on you, please email us at [email protected].

For further details, please review our full privacy policy.

By submitting your payment, you authorize us to charge the account above for the amount specified in the Transaction Amount field. Account information for Recurring Pledges/Monthly Giving is encrypted and stored securely via SafeSave™ for automatic processing of your future payments. Notify us at any time if you wish to discontinue your pledge.

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